Think Like God

Think Like God

What will Jesus do...?

It was one of those moments of reflection, and it was hard to accept that I made a mistake. Maybe hard is not the word; let me say embarrassing. Embarrassing because, in my head, I wanted to do the right thing, but when faced with the situation, I ended up doing the complete opposite—an unplanned disaster. Lol...

Hi again, and hello after a long break. Maybe not too long, but I could use some more time off, really😁, but I guess not. I trust you have been good, and I'm certain that God has been good to you, whether we all see it or not. Thank you for stopping by to read this week's Hope Alive newsletter. Today, I will talk about why and how we should "Think Like God."

Though not explicit, my opening paragraph taught me about thinking like God and how it can change many things. First, this is built on the premise of Proverbs 23:7.

‭‭Proverbs 23:7 NKJV‬‬

For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. 

Our thoughts will inform the way we will act and the decisions we will make.

Jesus acted as He did on earth because His actions reflected what was happening in His mind. Imagine we think like God; we will certainly begin to act out His purpose and will for our lives. And I believe this is our call as believers—to be Christians who act like Christ.

Even the Bible says we are gods and children of the Most High. I think we should not misrepresent our Daddy 🥰. Well, I have done that a couple of times, just like in my intro, and will still misrepresent, not intentionally, but because I am a work in progress, and so are you. But the important thing is that we should be better each time. We are not called to be perfect all at once, but God expects growth in our walk with Him. The things we were comfortable doing before we met Christ should make us uncomfortable as we deepen our love for God.

‭‭Proverbs 4:18

But the path of the [uncompromisingly] just and righteous is like the light of dawn, that shines more and more (brighter and clearer) until [it reaches its full strength and glory in] the perfect day [to be prepared].

When we think like God, we will act wisely. When we think like God, we will act in love. When we think like God, we will despise sin. When we think like God, we tend to avoid unnecessary conflicts and resolve necessary conflicts peacefully.

A popular line to think of and ask ourselves is: " What Will Jesus Do?"

What will Jesus do in that situation you're currently in? What response would Jesus have given? What decisions would Jesus make?

We can't think like God or have the mind of Christ if we are far away from fellowshipping with Him.

When you're friends with someone, with time, you see yourself acting the way they do because their nature has rubbed on you. I believe this works with spiritual things.

Taking the time to study the Word of God, which is His nature, and communicating with God are ways in which our thoughts can be infused with His thoughts. 

‭‭Colossians 3:1-2 (Paraphrased)

IF THEN you have been raised with Christ [to a new life, thus sharing His resurrection from the dead], ... set your minds and keep them set on what is above (the higher things), not on the things that are on the earth.

We have the key. What will you do with your thoughts today? What will I do with mine?

We are not far from acting that way if we continuously have selfish and envious thoughts.

I pray that we will be conscious of the states of our minds and actively work towards cultivating a clean heart that reflects the person of Christ Jesus.

CONFESSION: God, I choose to think like You. Help me to set my mind on the things that are above. Amen.

P.S-- Unless otherwise stated, All scriptures are from the Amplified Bible Classic version.

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Outside the Box of Hope Alive…

This is the first time I will include this section, and it will be to recommend other edifying content aside from Hope Alive to address other aspects of life.

This week, Jim Kwik's video featuring Shawn Stevenson discusses how our eating habits influence our brains. The most interesting part is how our relationships define our eating habits.


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